So I was doodling on MS Paint and I ended up creating a pixel of a Marine in Dress Blues. I thought it was pretty cute, and so I created one that looked like myself as well. And then I got to thinking, Marines look so similiar to each other when they're wearing Dress Blues. And I'm sure the ladies who have ever been to a graduation from boot camp, they can agree that they had a tough time trying to pick out their Marine from the platoon. So I think I'm going to be creating a page full of Military Pixel People and at your request, I can make one for you! I'll be making Marines in all of their uniforms and so you can simply choose which uniform you want your Marine to wear, the tone of his skin, and then send me a picture of yourself so that I can create one that looks like you! If you're military man isn't a Marine, fill out the second form instead. Here's an example of one I did for myself (Take a look at my about me picture, and then my pixel).
Tada! The finished product is a pixel of yourself and your Marine with a heart in between the two of you. I thought it'd be cute to have something like that to post on your blog. If you'd like to request one, just fill out this form and post it as a comment on this page.
Blog URL:
Marine Uniform:
Marine Skin Tone:
A Picture of Yourself:
Blog URL:
Military Banch:
Picture of Uniform:
Service Member's Skin Tone:
Picture of Yourself:
I'll post all of the pixels I create on this page so everyone can see them once they're finished.
Marine pixels you can choose from:
( more to come! )
id like one of these! do we just email you?
ReplyDeleteYou could do that! Either post that form here or email it to me. Whichever you'd like. (: